The main series
The editorial work on the Diplomatarium Suecanum (Svenskt Diplomatarium) was begun already in the 1820s by the polyhistor Johan Gustaf Liljegren (1791−1837). Since then, several editors have published new volumes at greater or lesser intervals. Since 1976, the Diplomatarium Suecanum has been published by the National Archives.
The charter texts are published in chronological order along with detailed summaries, comments and notes. The editions are prepared by an
editorial staff
specialised in Latin and Old Swedish. Presently, the editors are focused on the twelfth volume and the charters from the first half of the 1380s. The eleventh volume was completed in 2017 when the charters from the year 1380 were published.
Parallell series
In addition there are a couple of parallell series. Most of the charters, though not all, from the period 1401−1420 was printed in the volumes
Svenskt Diplomatarium fr.o.m år 1401
(ed. C. Silfverstolpe & K.H. Karlsson 1875−1904).
Another parallell series is the Acta Pontificum Svecica, which contains documents relating to Sweden's relations with the papacy. In the first subseries,
Acta Cameralia
(ed. L.M. Bååth 1936−1957), we find cameral documents until 1492.
The second Vatican subseries,
Acta Poenitentiariae
(eds S. Risberg & K. Salonen 2008), includes the volume
Auctoritate Papae
containing Swedish petitions to the papal penitentiary until 1526.