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Conditions for Exhibition Loans

1. General Conditions

The National Archives has the right to withdraw the loan without being liable to pay compensation if the borrower does not comply with the loan and insurance conditions. All costs arising in connection with the loan shall be covered by the borrower. The borrower must not transfer the Loan Agreement to another party. The borrower is not allowed to move the objects to another location or building without a written consent from the National Archives. In the event of theft or damages, the National Archives must be notified within 48 hours.

2. Insurance

The borrower is required to be insured against all hazards, i.e. theft, loss or damage, during the loan period and during transportation. The National Archives reserves the right to demand payment up to the estimated insurance values. The Swedish Government’s Regulation for Risk Management (1995:1300) and The Regulation on State Exhibition Guarantees (1998:200) shall be followed in those cases where applicable.

3. Timescales

The general loan period is maximum six months. The National Archives may specify special
restrictions for certain objects. Touring exhibitions are not in principle granted. If the borrower wishes to extend the loan the National Archives must receive a written enquiry two months before the original closing time of the exhibition.

4. Mounting and Framing

Maps and drawings will be mounted and framed. Other items, such as documents and books, will be supported by archival quality boards or book cradles. These services will be carried out by the conservators of the National Archives after consultation with the borrower.

5. Packing and Transportation

The National Archives will take care of the packing prior to transportation and specifies which transportation terms will be in force. The transportation vehicle must fulfil the same criteria as for those applicable for fine art works. On arrival of the objects the borrower shall, after unpacking, keep the crates and all the packing material for re-transportation.

6. Courier

The National Archives will send a courier at the expense of the borrower. The courier shall be
provided with allowances based on the current Swedish Tax Board Regulations, multiplied by the number of days. The number of days needed, may vary depending on transportation and installation circumstances and will be clarified closer to the opening. Prepaid accommodation in a hotel nearby the exhibition venue and the airline tickets etc. are to be arranged by the borrower. In the event of extended installation procedures the borrower must renew the airline tickets. The allowance plus other related costs, for example transport between the airport and the city, will preferably be invoiced the borrower.

7. Customs

The transportation agent will arrange all customs and security clearance and ensure that the courier is given assistance at all ports of entry and exit. Pro Forma invoice issued by the National Archives and other formalities signed by Swedish authorities shall in general be dealt with by the transportation supplier.

8. Condition Report

A recondition period of approximately 24 hours is normally needed before unpacking the objects. The courier and the borrower shall check the conditions against the condition reports when unpacking and re-packing the objects. The borrower is beholden to notify any alterations during the exhibition period.

9. Showcases and installation

  • The borrower obliged to inform how the objects shall be displayed, which type of security cases as well as which wall hanging system will be used for the exhibition. When required the National Archives can demand increased security levels.
  • Books and unframed items shall be placed in display cases. Framed items can be displayed affixed on to the wall with secure mounting or placed in display cases.
  • All materials used within the display cases, with which the documents may come in contact, must be preservation sound. Fibre optic and LED lamps are the only light sources to be used inside the cases.
  • The courier shall have the opportunity to take part in the installation of the objects and the dismantling. After the objects have been installed in the showcases, they shall be left
    undisturbed. This is however not applicable in case of any emergency - if the objects need to be handled or moved the National Archives shall be notified about the circumstances as soon as possible.

10. Climate

The following guidelines should be fulfilled:'

  • Temperature: 20 ºC +/- 2 ºC
  • Relative humidity: 45 % +/- 10 % with a daily fluctuation not exceeding 5 %
  • Lighting exposure: max. 50 lux, UV-light: max. 75 µW/lm

The borrower is responsible for maintaining the specified climatic conditions. Climate reports may be required to be sent to the National Archives. For certain, particularly light sensitive objects, special requirements may be set out by the National Archives.

11. Security

The borrower is responsible for 24 h full security. The exhibition venues shall regularly be under surveillance during opening hours and be alarmed at night. The crates with the loan objects shall be kept in locked, fire protected and climate sized storage before unpacking and before return. The National Archives must be informed of the fire and security system in use and will request a Standard and Facility Report.

12. Reproduction and Security Copies

Loan objects must not be photographed or reproduced without the National Archives permission, except for the purpose of insurance-basis in connection with damages or general installation views. Photographs to be used for exhibition catalogues, opening invitations or postcards shall be supplied by the National Archives. The photographer’s name and the National Archives must be stated. For security reasons, the exhibits will be reproduced in colour before leaving the National Archives.

13. Catalogue

The National Archives expects to receive two copies of the exhibition catalogue.

14. Statement of Source

The National Archives shall be referred to as the lender on all exhibition text signs, postcards as well as in the catalogue.

15. Return of the Loan

The National Archives shall be notified well in advance regarding the return of the loan.

16. Cancellation of the Loan

If the loan is cancelled by the borrower all reasonable costs incurred to that date will be borne by the borrower.

17. Applicable Law and Settlement of Disputes

The Loan Agreement shall be governed by Swedish law, excluding its conflict of law rules. Disputes arising out of this agreement shall be finally settled by a Swedish court.

18. Costs

All costs arising in connection with the loan shall be covered by the borrower. This includes for example insurance, reproductions, security copies, conservation, materials, frames, book cradles, transport crates, transport, courier (travel, hotel and allowances) etc. The National Archives charges a fixed fee divided into three different levels for conservation and administration. These levels contain various examples of conservation treatments etc. included in the price.

Level 1 – SEK 2 700
Level 2 – SEK 4 500
Level 3 – SEK 6 300

Please observe! When extensive conservation treatments are required a special cost estimate will be given.